• Ashli Shore

    Medical Director, Co-Founder

    Ash is the heart and soul of the sanctuary, our medical go-to, & Bird Babe extraordinaire. Her years of work as a vet tech are what guided us in the direction of being a medical needs rescue. She is the main liaison for emergencies or new intakes at the sanctuary. She works tirelessly and goes above and beyond every day for all of the busted babes who call The Shore home. She provides comfort and unmatched cleanliness that keeps everyone happy and healthy & takes pride in providing personalized care to every rescue. She is a beacon of inspiration to so many with her fierce love, fight, dedication, compassion and perseverance. She has years of experience and a wealth of knowledge behind her. She will go out of her way to provide guidance and advice to any who approach her and makes a difference every day. She not only holds it down and does so much for all the residents at the sanctuary, but also owns her own business. She's not only a BIRD BABE, but a BOSS BABE.

  • Alex Shore

    Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Alex is the stronghold, the Bird Dad, heard leader, AJ's namesake & the glue that holds everything together. He’s first up every morning to make sure everyone has breakfast and pretty much doesn’t stop until everyone is tucked safely away at night. He’s our resident fix it man and problem solver. He is in charge of all the daily care, he takes care of the heavy lifting (literally & metaphorically), he organizes the volunteers and all the scheduling, he holds down the fort, enforces the rules when needed, and is the Yang to Ash's Yin. We’re so grateful for this powerhouse leader.

  • Kamryn Hafer

    Director of Operations

    Kam was an integral part of our first Gala fundraiser, helping with organizing, planning, and reaching out to the community for donations. After the event, we asked her to be our first official board member. Kam will be your go-to for anything administrative. She is responsible for email correspondence to donors, local media outlets, potential sponsors or anything else that may arise. For example, she helped get resident videos produced, an article written about The Shore, has secured several sponsorships, got truckfuls of pumpkins donated & has maintained relationships with our monthly donors on Patreon for the past two years. She has sent out all the donor mailing, Valentine fundraiser cards, holiday cards and any donation receipts that were requested. Kam still helps organize our fundraisers, creates flyers for our events, manages our event ticketing platform & makes sure everything looks festive. She did her very first resident transport when she helped pick up Lemon. She most recently set up Shore emails for the board and created this website. She is also a proud sponsor of Fred & Ramses. Kam is a jack of all trades and willing to help any way she can.

  • Grant Plummer

    Chief Procurement Officer

    Grant is a pilar in the Vegan community. He works as a Chef at San Diego Vegan Market and had the wonderful idea to put up a donation box for The Shore to buy fresh produce for the residents. He dropped off the donated produce weekly and quickly developed relationships with residents. Later, he even donated a fridge to put all the extra produce in. He became such an asset to The Shore that we asked him to be on the board. His weekly produce deliveries ensure a healthy, balanced diet for the residents. He is a huge part of our fundraising events, orchestrating the ideas, themes, and amazing vegan meals. He donates his time to prep & cook chef crafted meals for the events. He has driven up the levels of our fundraisers exponentially. Also, Grant currently lives at the sanctuary as an on-site volunteer. He assists with routine feeding, cleaning, maintenance, helping with any projects around the sanctuary and pitching in anywhere he can.

  • Lindsay Gorman

    Financial Officer

    Lindsay has been involved with The Shore for several years. She is Sparrow’s sponsor and was highly involved with making his space so unique for him. She takes care of the monthly finance spreadsheet, which is a huge help to the organization and crucial for our non-profit at tax time. She attends events around town, helping Ash with setup, merch, and community outreach. You will see Lindsay at fundraising events, she is responsible for how great the merch table always looks and the fantastic Shore banners you see. She is always looking for ways to help the sanctuary, including obtaining her non-profit management certification from USD. Lindsay will be taking over our Patreon fundraising platform and helping to research potential grants.